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Make Some Money with Google Search

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How to make some money with 

Google Search

1. You must have a google adsense account.

2. Google lets you add a „custom search“ to your homepage or blog.

3. You need visitors using your search.

4. When they click on google ads you'll earn some money.
It's not much money and it depends on the number of people
Using your search. 
Can get some extra bux, if you've a normal website/blog.
Or are you someone with an authority website and/or much traffic?
Then you could really make some money.

Idea: Create some good looking Google Startpage Templates
with your Adsense ID and promote them. 

Some more links:
Hot to add a custom search to your wordpress blog: ProBlogDesign

Custom Google Startpage Template Designs:
(You'll need some ideas, some skills in html/css, photoshop - Alternatively you can also just edit a skin. Then you only need to understand how the html/css in this skin woks.)

As video: